Monday, May 30, 2005

So opinionated

Every day when it's time to get Madam dressed, I go to the drawer and ask her "So, my darling, what do you want to wear today? A pretty dress? A t-shirt and shorts? A cute romper?" etc etc. Kind of a running commentary while we do our morning thing. Sometimes if I hold out two choices she'll pick one, but most of the time she just looks at me like "What do I have you around for? You're going to make me decide this?"

This morning when I opened the drawer and asked her, she clearly replied "Turtle!". Poor thing had to say it like 6 times before I realized she was talking to me, and that she does, in fact, own an outfit with turtles on it. I turned and said "You want the turtle outfit?" and she got all excited - "Turtle! Turtle! Turtle!" So I pull it out, and before it was even unfolded she recognized the little bows on the sleeves and went berzerk. "TURTLE! TURTLE! TURTLE!"

So she wore the turtle outfit. And all day long if you asked her "What's that on your shirt?" she'd let you know. "TURTLE!"

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