Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The more the merrier!

So I didn't shower last night, and this morning instead of doing it while she napped I napped with her (lazy lazy, I know). I think it through and decide that if I have her movie on the tv, and leave the door open, and the opaque shower curtain pulled up so she can see me - I should be able to take a quick one while she's up and about.

I'm in there for approx. 2 seconds when I hear the sound of a screaming toddler heading my way. "MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY MOOOOMEEEEEE!" I was standing with my face in the water, so without opening my eyes I'm already saying "It's ok, I'm right here, calm down, etc. etc." Then I feel something on my leg.

I look down and find a fully dressed kid in the shower with me, now screaming because the water is getting her. Genius.

It really just deteriorated from there. She wanted me to hold her, she didn't want to get wet, she started looking at my chest like "Heeeeey! I haven't seen you guys in a while!" - what a fiasco. Note to self - shower tonight after she goes to bed.

1 comment:

freeplaylife said...

It's for this reason that Dakota and I usually take our showers together in the morning. In this house, we have a master shower that is quite big, especially if you're 1. So, she crawls around splashing in the water while I lather up. It's quite fun, actually! And, I can stay in there as long as I want because she loves it so much in the water.