Friday, January 19, 2007

Where does she get this stuff?

I've introduced Madam to the art of graffiti (our landlord would be so pleased.) The rules are simple - ONLY outside, and ONLY with chalk. Do we draw with chalk on the walls inside? No! Do we draw with crayon on the walls outside? No! When is it ok to draw on the walls? "Outside, with chalk, Mommy!" Good girl.

So the other day she was drawing a picture "For Daddy! To surprise him when he gets home!" It was hot pink and lots of big swirls and swoops. He gets home and she proudly shows it to him - "I drew you a picture, Daddy! It's a picture of me dying my hair!"


So today we're looking at this picture again, and again I ask her what it's a picture of. "It's of me, dying my hair." Ok... what exactly *is* "dying your hair", Twink? Hmmmm? "Dying your hair is when you put paint in your hair, and rub it in, then wash it all out. That's dying your hair."

Not a bad description.

Here's the thing - I haven't dyed my hair since before getting pregnant with Jonas (I know, I've totally let myself go.) So where is she getting this knowledge? I tried to get it out of her - "Where did you hear that? Who told you that?" and she just says "Nobody told me, I just know that. All by myself I just know."

Is she some kind of hair prodigy? Is she destined to own her own chain of salons? (I kind of think she's destined to be a politician. She never shuts up or concedes a point - sounds like a winning combo for D.C.) The best part of this is that she has no actual idea what "dying your hair" does to it. I tried and tried to lead her to the answer - "So, if your hair is brown and you dye it, what will be different about it?" but she has no clue. "It won't be different, it will just be DYED!"

I'm off to find out what else she knows all about, "all by herself".

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