Sunday, January 28, 2007

98.6 degrees, baby!

The other night Madam tells Joe that she doesn't like to hug me because I'm "hot" and it "burns her". I'm just that hot.

So he explains to her that sometimes hot means hot, but sometimes hot means very very pretty. Again, it's hysterical sometimes what kids are actually thinking (anyone remember Jaynie's "sparkling rainbow ball"?)

So two nights ago we're having dinner and she's screwing around and basically doing anything other than eating and she keeps interrupting us and Joe finally says "Jaynie! Less playing, more eating!" and Jaynie says "I'm not playing! I'm trying to have a little conversation with you!" and then follows that with "Ok, first? Mommy? Is HOT!" Now THAT, my friends, is a dinner-time conversation! Any disappointment I may have felt to learn that she thought she was calling me very very warm is gone. Now she understands it means I'm pretty, and she's down with that.

(The "Mommy is hot" was just the beginning. While we were still laughing in our soup she says "So, Daddy - how was your day?" Holy cow - dinner conversation will never be the same, now that the Twink is a participant.)

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