Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Today while I'm getting the kiddos ready to nap, Jaynie announces "There are lots of cute babies out there, but Jonas is the cutest one of all!" (Yes - due to the fact that he is still not walking, he TOTALLY counts as a baby. You can't be a toddler while you're crawling. It's the law or something.)

Anyway - back to the lovefest. She says he's so cute, then she gets down on the floor to hug him and kind of ends up on her back while he lays his head on her. So sweet. I say "You love your brother, huh?" and she's like "Yes, I love him sooo much. Also, I love you, and also I love Daddy. I care about all of you."

"I care about all of you"??? Has she been watching Hallmark movies without me or something?

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