Monday, February 26, 2007

Wouldn't you like to live here, Grandma?

So my Mom is in town. When the car pulled into the drive Jaynie ran up to it yelling "GRANDMA!!!!", and she hasn't stopped showering her with affection since. Mom is sleeping in the guest bed in Jaynie's room, so they are "roommates". When Mom goes to the bathroom, Madam goes too. She constantly climbs into Grandma's lap and says things like "Do you have to go home to your house? Wouldn't you just like to live here with me forever?" It's really kind of pathetic.

This morning she got up and came to snuggle with me. I asked if she'd had any good dreams and she told me that she'd had some good ones, but then some sad ones. The good ones were about Grandma being here, and playing with her, and being roommates. The sad ones were about When she had to go home. (Enter incredibly sad face here.)

She climbs all over her, giving out hugs and kisses and "I love you, Grandma. I love you so much." constantly. Mom keeps looking at me funny. She's convinced I'm going to hit her up for a loan, and have been coaching the Twink to help butter her up. I swear, I had nothing to do with this. As if I would choose to be completely invisible when Grandma was in the room. Jeesh.

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