Sunday, February 04, 2007

Family Update...

Joe: Has two papers due tomorrow. Has barely started. Is looking at a laaaaaaaaaate night. Also? I just pulled an crazy eyebrow hair off of him. It was twice as long as the others, curly, and grey. And to think he gave me crap about a grey hair just yesterday. At least I don't have old man eyebrows, Gramps.

Jenn: I bought a jogging stroller yesterday. In response to this threat my right knee started making this incredibly loud and disturbing clickPOP sound when I went up or down the stairs. Note please, that I haven't actually started jogging yet. I just bought the stroller. That's how much my body hates to run - it's taking a preemptive strike by injuring itself before I can even start.

Jaynie: Woke up dry this morning - for the second day in a row. The kid has been day-time potty-trained since last April, but still soaking through dipes at night. Last Tuesday I decided to do some guerrilla night-training and started putting her down in panties. 3 wet nights, then dry, dry, dry. No, I'm not delusional to think we won't have any more accidents, but man - the lack of laundry these past 2 days has been fab-u-lous.

Jonas: Stands up all the time now. All by himself. He doesn't need any help, and he's sooo pleased with himself when he does it. He'll stand there laughing and laughing. If I get out the camera and say "Jonas! Stand up!" he will, then he will totally ham it up. (Pics forthcoming) He still shows no desire to step forward. He'll "walk" around if you hold his hands, but right now he's pretty pleased with crawling at the speed of sound, then standing up to laugh and yell "Ay-NEE! DAD! BOB!" (Why oh why am I still Bob?)

The cats: Are staying with my Mom for a while longer. Sucker.

1 comment:

Grandma Sharon said...

As far as the airline is concerned, the cats are coming.....we'll see who's the sucker (hahahaha)