Friday, February 02, 2007

Forget pitter-patter...

Give me a baby belly laugh any day. Jaynie was cute, don't get me wrong. She had chubs and drool and the whole bit. She was one chompable baby. You know what she was missing, though? Laughter. Giggling. Chortles. Snickers. Actual happy sounds. She would look like she was laughing, but always on mute. No noise came out when you tickled her, or when the cat got close enough to touch, or when Daddy beeped his own nose. Just silent appreciation.

Jonas? Is a laugh riot. In the morning I can hear him in his bed, cracking up because he woke up to his tiger. You give his chubs a squeeze and he's laughing for an hour. Jaynie walks by? Forget it. He laughs all day long.

As if that's not enough - he is also sooo snuggly all of a sudden. He climbs all over me when I'm on the floor, trying to find the way to be closest to me. He likes to go find a small toy, then come back and sprawl in my lap playing with it. If he catches me watching him from across the room, he immediately starts blowing kisses. The. Sweetest. Baby. Ever.

(There is a downside. Just today I hear my lovely little NARC yelling "Oh NO! Mooooommy! Jonas is making a mess!" and go in to find him sitting in front of my open pajama drawer, casually throwing pj's over his shoulders all over the floor. Actually, while I'm thinking about it, those piles are still there....)

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