Monday, March 05, 2007

Three years ago...

(The following was originally posted in Madam's blog by accident. Now it's here, but 2 days late. Whatever - it's a miracle I'm able to dress myself every day, much less keep track of these blogs.)

I used to be Jennifer. I was a sister, daughter, wife, friend, cousin, grandchild, waitress, student, drama queen, painter, pain in the butt, slob... But three years ago I woke to a pop pop POP noise coming from my belly. I stood up and had one of those Hollywood movie moments where the water breaks and GUSH splashes all over the place. 10 hour later my Twinkie was born and gave me a new name. Mommy.

It's all I ever wanted to be. I never had big career aspirations. I went to college because it was expected, but I never hoped to be anything other than a stay-at-home-mom. And here I am. Living the dream. Of course, my dreams didn't involve *quite* so much poop.

Happy birthday, Twink. Thanks for making me a Mom. Love you.

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