Sunday, June 26, 2005

Soooo Opinionated

Yesterday I dressed Jaynie in a dress with fish on it. She was not pleased. She kept pulling it up and saying "All Done!", and I kept telling her that no, she wasn't. She wanted to put her kitty pj's back on ("meow! meOW!"), but that wasn't going to happen.

About an hour later when I finally get dressed, I put on a sundress with flowers. She goes nuts sniffing (sign for "flower") and pointing. After a few minutes of this she starts sniffing then patting her own chest. Then she's sniffing, trying to say "flower", and smacking her chest. Then she's doing these things but also throwing in a few "ALL DONE!"s while pulling at the fish dress.

So I changed her into a sundress with flowers on it. Joe thought the whole thing was hysterical.

Today I'm asking her "What do you want to wear today?", and she starts sniffing. So I'm digging through her drawer and come up with this cute, but kind of silly-babyish, pink gingham sunsuit with a big flower on the front. I hold it up and ask "Do you want to wear this? It has a flower." and she gives me the most amazing, grow-up, look of disgust. It was the funniest thing. She's looking at it like a teenager looks at her dad in socks and sandals. "You want me to wear THAT?!"

She ended up in her turtle outfit, instead. I get the feeling I'm in for a bumpy ride with this one.

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