Sunday, November 27, 2005

She's too cute for her own good.

Tonight after she was lotioned and pj'd, she didn't quite seem ready for bed, so we read some stories.

First she brought "Home for a Bunny" to Joe and had him read it to her.

Then she brought "The Runaway Bunny" to me. (Theme night?)

Then she got out "Goodnight Moon" (which, btw, has bunnies in it), sat down, said "Jaynie read Moon book!", and "read" the whole thing to us. She has it totally memorized. I could tell that she was using the illustrations to help her remember what came next in some places - it was really impressive. Not to mention SO CUTE! When it was over she said "The End!", put it back on the shelf, and was ready for bed.

(I forgot the part of the evening when I said to her "Go tell Daddy you need your binky" and she ran off, found him, and yelled "BINKY, PLEEEEAAASE!")

Now she's in bed, but she's not quite asleep. She's saying something over and over. Joe and I snuck up to listen at the door, and he finally identified it as "Spoonful of Sugar" from Mary Poppins. What we kept hearing was "SNAP! The job's a game!" She's also saying "He knows, a song, will move the job aloooooong." She's killing me tonight.

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