Thursday, November 10, 2005

Time for those parental controls...

Jaynie naps in her crib now. I finally have got her to the point where I can just lay her down, tell her to go to sleep, leave the room, and she does. It takes usually like 15 minutes of singing/talking/playing with her stuffed animals - but eventually she dozes off.

Problem? On Thursdays I babysit another toddler and she gets the crib. So I've been bringing Madam to my bed on those days, and snuggling her till she passes out. This usually takes considerably longer than if she was alone - like 30 minutes of me laying there with my eyes closed waiting for her to stop playing with my hair, changing position, offering me the binky, giving me kisses, saying "Hi Mommy!" over and over, etc.

Today I decided to see if the drop her off and walk away technique would work in my bed, too. So first we said "Night night" to Riley, and left her in the crib. Then we walked across the hall and I put her in my bed. Gave her a kiss. Gave her a stuffed animal to snuggle. Told her to go to sleep. Left the room.

All was quiet for about 10 minutes. I was out here doing a victory dance when I heard a suspicious noise. Sounded like.... music?

I go down the hall to find my not-even-two-year-old laying in bed, watching The Wiggles on tv - remote by her hand. When I managed to squeak out "What is this?" she casually pointed to the screen and said "Wiggles!" then went back to watching.

I'm going to assume that was the last channel we had on, and that she only managed to A) find the correct remote and B) hit the power button. I refuse to accept that she has mastered channel surfing to find a show she likes.

BTW - I realize I've been slacking on this thing. Jaynie has done and said many, many cute and hysterical things in the past weeks. Bottom line? When you are ginormously pregnant and have no husband around to help out you tend to crash and burn in the evenings right about the time the kiddo does. Blogging takes a backseat to basics like making sure there are clean sippy cups for the next day. I'll try to be better. Promise.

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