Saturday, July 16, 2005

Miss Sympathy

Last night Jaynie and I went to WalMart (an adventure in itself). While we were walking up and down the aisles we kept hearing a kid having an absolute nightmare of a fit. Every time he'd let out a yell Jaynie would look at me, and look around. We finally turn a corner and there they are - a very tired looking Mom with a screaming kid in the cart.

Screaming kid: "Waaaaaaaaaaah!"

Jaynie: (looking right into his face) "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

Now - if you think I'm saying that she started crying, too, you are wrong. What she was doing was mocking him. I know this because immediately after the "wah" she looked at me and cracked up. This one is never going to be a peer counselor.

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