Thursday, December 22, 2005

I'm a ticking time bomb

That's how it feels, anyhow. We're seriously hoping that this baby waits until after Christmas to make his appearance. Last week I was a frenzy of activity, making sure everything was ready for him, convinced he'd come any moment. Now that we're so close to the holiday I've been laying around trying to explain to him that his birthday will be tons more fun for him if it isn't the same day as the biggest gift-giving holiday of the year.

I am absolutely the largest pregnant woman on the planet. I was telling Joe this morning - when I was pregnant with Jaynie I could still fit into my non-maternity oversized sweatshirts. They were sung where once they were loose, yes, but they covered me. I tried to put one on today - it covered my arms and boobs and that was it. There was no pulling that waist-band down over my belly. I suspect I'm carrying the Hulk in here.

I've been telling Jaynie the story of her brother's birth. She knows he's in Mommy's belly, she knows that one day she'll get to go "play with Alex at Miss Stacey's house" while Mommy and Daddy go to the doctor. And then Daddy will come get her and bring her to see Mommy and the Baby Brother OUTSIDE of Mommy's belly. And then he'll come home and sit in the "baby chair" (a bouncy seat I have out in the living room), and he'll use a "little tiny binky" and he'll probably go "wah wah wah" because he's just a baby. She has it all figured out. Ha. You notice I left out the parts about him pooping 12 times a day and waking her up at night.

She annouced today that there were only 2 days until "Aunty Suz comes hoooome". Who knew she was counting down the days! "Aunty Suz comes home, and Santa brings Jaynie LOTS OF PRESENTS!" Should be a good day. (If I'm not in the hospital. STAY PUT, BABY!!!)

Right, then. I hear some Cocoa Pebbles calling my name. As Jaynie says - "Feliz Latidad" to you all.

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