Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Slacker Mom

It's been pointed out that I haven't updated in quite some time. While I was posting my defense (potty training one while nursing another doesn't leave a lot of blog-posting time) (which is really a shame because it does make for LOTS of blog-worthy stories) Jaynie (who was in her crib supposedly napping) pooped in her diaper, TOOK IT OFF, then started yelling for me that she had to poop in the potty. When I got down there she had already peed and was really upset about it. So she's standing on wet sheets, crying because she didn't make it to the potty, then points to her diaper and says "There's poopy in there." Yeah. This is why the blog is slowing down.

1 comment:

Hooch can knit said...

excellent. Maci gets hers off now, too- through several layers of clothes. I am terrifed. Jaynie is so smart she'll be trained in like 3 days. ;-)