Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Leavin' on a jet plane....

Here is a good thing to know - when you are traveling alone with a toddler, and you look like you are having the least little bit of difficulty, 4,200 people will stop to help you. It probably helps if you look approx. 16 months pregnant. Seriously - I thought it would be a nightmare (just trying to carry my diaper bag, the carseat, and Jaynie through an airport... oy), but I never had to struggle. There was always someone taking the carseat away from me, helping me get it strapped down, helping me stow my bags, etc. The airline people moved us to the very front of the plane so I wouldn't have to fight my way down the aisle. Everything went a lot smoother and easier than I ever could've hoped or imagined.

Also - I was seriously resenting spending $200 on a ticket for Madam, but it was sooooooooooo worth it. Her having her own seat, strapped down, not in my lap, not squirming around trying to be free.... ahhhh. Heaven. She actually napped for her full 2 hours because she was in the seat and not being held down. dheygtzsdz (Sorry - walked away from the computer for a minute and Jaynie took the opportunity to add a little something to this entry. )

We had many adventures in Florida - she did many cute and wonderful things. As soon as she stops yelling at me, riding the cat, and making long distance calls on my phone I'll sit down and try to write some down.

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