Friday, January 19, 2007

Show a little respect, Mom!

Yesterday, the kids and I were in the car when we were suddenly overcome by a "yucky poopy smell". The following is an actual conversation between the Twink and I....

Me: Holy cow! What is that smell? Jaynie - did you fart?

Jaynie: Noooo... but I do smell a yucky poopy smell, Mommy. I think maybe Jonas went poopy in his diaper!

Jonas: [says nothing because he's sleeping the sleep of the innocent]

Me: So, it was Jonas?

Jaynie: Yes, yes I think it must have been Jonas. He's a stinky boy!

[Loud fart sound comes directly from Madam's side of the back seat]

Me: Jaynie! You did it again!

Jaynie: [giggling] Whoops! Mi scusi!

Me: Man, Jaynie - you are a fart monster!

Jaynie: [extremely indignant] I am NOT a fart monster..... I am a fart PRINCESS!

Well, there you go.

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