Sunday, October 16, 2005

Jaynie do it!

We have officially entered the phase of "Jaynie do it!" Isn't it early for this crap? Shouldn't I have a few more months of cute baby before she turns into a holy terror?

Last week she would say "Jaynie do it!" about getting dressed, but what she meant was "Mommy - you hold out the shirt the correct way, I'll put my arms in the holes." This week she yells JAYNIE DO IT! and means "Mommy - get your HANDS OFF my shirt! I'm putting it on! So what if I'm trying to put it on backwards and upside-down! Didn't you hear me? JAYNIE DO IT!" and on and on and on. She wants to bathe herself, dress herself, climb in the car by herself, climb in her carseat, buckle herself in, mix her own chocolate milk (Yes - I give her chocolate milk. It's Instant Breakfast so I figure it's almost like it's good for her.), clean up her own milk mess, undress herself, turn on the tv, turn off the tv, lotion herself, brush her own teeth.... I'm sure there's more. Those are just the situations in which I heard JAYNIE DO IT today. Thank God it hasn't occurred to her yet to want to change her own diaper. Any day now she's gonna reach for a wipe and I'm going to have a problem.

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