"Hey Baby Jonas! That's (pointing to her own chest) Big Sister Jaynie!"
How cute are these kids, I ask you?
The day after Christmas we all went to the zoo to try and walk walk walk me into labor starting. Apparently it worked, because at about 12:45 (about 3 minutes after I lay down and closed my eyes - nice) my water broke.
Suz was supposed to be there for the birth, but we figured it was already 1am, Jaynie wakes up before 7am, no way was I going to have a baby in less than 6 hours. Right? Right? So we left her there w/ Madam. The plan was once Jaynie woke up a friend would come get her and Suz would meet us at the hospital in time for all the exciting parts.
Well - so much for plans. When we got to the hospital I was already feeling some pretty freaking serious contractions, and the nurse checked and reported that I was at 4cm. Less than an hour later I was at 6cm. I then had one long contraction that lasted about 30 minutes and almost killed me, and at the end of it I was fully dialated.
It was at this point that they called the Dr. and woke him up and told him to get dressed and make the 20 minute drive to the hospital. Yeah, you read that right.
The room was full of nurses telling me not to push, explaining to me how to control myself (yeah, cause blowing out is just as good - who needs to push, anyway), telling me to wait for Dr. Wood, etc. I spent the entire time trying to negotiate with them. Joe does an excellent imitation of this. ("Explain to me why I have to wait for the Dr? You girls look capable of catching a baby. Get your gloves on." They tried to tell me he had to be there in case there was something wrong with the baby. "He's not a pediatrition. You have those on staff. He's just for me, and I'm perfectly happy being in your care. Now, get down there because I'm about to push this baby out.")
Dr. Wood showed up and there was a really funny few seconds where the nurse that had been telling me no no no lifted my leg and started counting like I should be pushing, and I had to tell her that I wasn't having a contraction right then. Then they started again and I got down to business. 3 contractions and he was out. We won't discuss the injury he inflicted on me on the way out. Let's just say I now feel silly for worrying about what form of birth control I was going to use after the baby was born.
Jonas Nathaniel Moore was born at 3:46 am (Yes, for those doing the math - 3 hours after my water broke. Apparently, he was in a hurry.) on Dec. 27, 2005. He weighed 8lbs 12oz, and was the biggest baby in the hospital (considering the fact that I'm currently sitting on a pillow... these women who have 6lb babies may be on to something.) He's 21 inches long, has lots of dark brown hair, dark eyes who's color is still a mystery, and is yummy and smoochable all over.
Joe and I are both amazed at how easy he is to take care of. We seem to recall the first few weeks being absolute hell w/ Jaynie, and now we have this tiny baby who just eats and sleeps and that's really it and we're like "Was she this easy too? Are we better at this this time? Are we remembering wrong?" Seriously - during the first 2 weeks of Jaynie's life we looked at eachother more than once and said "Maybe we only have one kid." How did people do this with a toddler running around? Well, now I know the answer. The toddler is where all your time and energy goes - not the newborn. He wakes up in the morning when Jaynie does, and nurses while she watches some cartoons in Mommy's bed. Then he sits in his vibrating chair while she and I eat breakfast, get dressed, etc. Just when she's starting to wind down from playing, he's ready to eat again so we all go sit on the couch and watch "Sleeping Bluety" while I nurse him. Then he goes back in the chair while she and I have lunch. Then it's nap time for everyone. Jaynie sleeps in her crib, Jonas sleeps either in his hammock or snuggling with me.
When we wake up there is more movie watching/nursing/cuddling action. Then we play until it's time to make dinner. Jonas sits in his chair up on the table and stares at the chandelier while we eat. After dinner it's bathtime for everyone. Jaynie's in the tub and Jonas on the floor getting a sponge bath (he still has the cord thingy.) Joe takes Jaynie, I take Jonas. Jaynie tells me what songs to sing to "make Baby Jonas feel better" if he starts crying. They both get the lotion rub down and pj's on in the bathroom, then we say night-night to Big Sister, and Jonas and I settle in for another nursing session.
Sometimes he goes down then, sometimes he stays up and eats like 4 more times then goes down right before I do. What he does do is sleep sleep sleep. Last night he slept for almost 6 hours before I woke up leaking and had to get him up to eat. I'm not sure what I did to deseve such a good baby, but I'll take it.
Jaynie calls him "Jaynie's Baby Jonas". She gives him pats to the head, holds his hand, gives him kisses on the forehead or "little feeties", wants to hold him, wants him to watch her ("Baby Jonas watch Jaynie!") and in general acts crazy about him. She'll tell you that he's a little baby so he needs "lots of naps, and lots of milk" (sometimes she qualifies that as "lots of milk... from Mommy's boobies!") When he cries she'll tell me "He's so hungry, Mommy! He needs some milk!" The first few times she saw me nurse him she wasn't thrilled about it. She'd lean in close and watch him sucking and start yelling "Stop! Stop!" We're not sure if she thought he was hurting me or what, but she's gotten used to it now. In fact, I think she tries to talk me into nursing him more frequently than he needs it, because she knows it means I'll turn on a movie and cuddle her on the couch.
I am in Mommy heaven. These kids are so yummy, I could just eat them up. Jaynie is still a little trigger happy from my long absence at the hospital. If I could sum up the past few days in 3 words they would have to be "Jaynie HOOOOOOLD Mommy!" But she's starting to mellow out a bit and is more willing to give me room to breathe. My little family of four is having fun.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
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