Friday, March 16, 2007

Truely pitiful confession time...

This morning I had my annual exam. TMI? Sorry. Here's the point...

I was SO FREAKING EXCITED to be going. Really, really delighted. Why? Because I got to leave the kids at home with Joe.

I mean, sure - once I was there they got me on a table and did unspeakable things to me, but the entire time? Nobody questioned me about a Disney princess ("Why is Belle's prince all hairy and Cinderella's is normal? Why does Ariel's Daddy break all her stuff? That's not nice! Why do the birds wear clothes? Our birds are naked! Why does Snow White eat the apple when the dwarfs told her to stay away from strangers? Why is sometimes her name Aurora, and sometimes Briar Rose? Why? Why? Why, Mommy, why?"), I was not required to sing any of the now SIX verses we know of Itsy Bitsy Spider, I was able to talk to the Dr. for as long as I needed, without once having to say "Can you please be quiet for just a minute? I'm almost done, I promise." Hell - you know what I did in the waiting room? I knit! That's right! I didn't read books and jingle my keys and search for binkies... And not once in the two hours I was gone did I hear the phrase "I need a snack and a drink!" or "This is kind of boring, Mommy." Heaven.

(It's really saying something that I so enjoyed a freaking exam. I guess I really, really shouldn't have skipped book club this month. Mommy needs a vacation.)

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