Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The Trouble With Toothbrushes

First, I have to say that the word "toothbrushes" doesn't look right. Seems like it should be "teethbrush", or "toothbreesh", or something.

Anyway, here is the trouble with them - Jaynie is obsessed. Specifically, she is obsessed with mine. "Mommy Teef! Mommy Teef!" She wants my toothbrush, and she wants to run around and brush her teeth, and her ducks' teeth, and her dolls' teeth, and George's teeth, and her toes.... you get the picture.

The last time I got a new one, I joked with Joe that I would have to be careful and not let her see me use it. That way she'd still be happy with the old one. Wouldn't you know that I easily conned her into using "Mommy's toothbrush" for about a week until she saw me use the new one... then the old was no good. She'll push it away with the back of her hand and yell "ALL DONE!" if you try and give her any other than my (current!) brush.

Well - yesterday I got a new one. There was no joking this time - I planned to not get caught using it. Period.

So far I've used it once. Late last night after she was already asleep.

This morning she rejected my old one, and desperately pointed to the new. "Mommy Teef! Mommy Teef!" How does she do that?

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